3 Simple Steps for Getting Past Your Fear of Being Visible in Your Business

So You Can Build a Nurturing  Business Culture, Attract Great Clients and Be a Force for Creating the Change You Want to See in the World!

In this free online class you will learn

  • How to create accountability for yourself and be precise about what inside of you holds you back from getting out in front of your audience.
  • The bigger picture of why women hiding in the wings  
  • A simple solution for a complex problem. 

    Sign up below for instant access!


Do you avoid using what you know by pretending you don't know enough?

Let's face it ladies, we all do it. It's easier to keep diving into books, courses and new degrees than it is to take what you already know out into the world.

We are brainwashed to think academic learning is what qualifies us, but we all know deep down we don't care so much as much about the accreditations, than we do if someone is actually skilled, experienced and can get results.

Trainings and accreditations are awesome, but only if you're actually using them to help someone. Because helping someone is the full circle of life - we fully receive those gifts we came to earth with, and then we give back of our riches.

You already know you need to...

  • Get out in front of your people.
  • Give talks to those that can benefit from your wisdom.
  • Have a strong and meaningful social media presence.
  • Have a clear direction for the effort you desire put into your business.
  • Get past the ‘I cannots’ that stop you from using all of the knowledge you’ve gained.

Who will benefit from this online class?

You’ve invested yourself heavily. You’ve hired experts. You’ve done programs. You’ve put the time in to study your craft and you’re GOOD at what you do helping others transform.

You're skilled, you have viable products or packages to offer.

You've finished your business build and you're ready for clients but...

When you get out in front of your audiences (or even think about it) do you...

  • Avoid accepting or seeking out speaking opportunities because you're 'not ready'?
  • Have undue anxiety about making a simple social media post?
  • Feel guilty for promoting yourself, as if you are trying to trick and steal from people?
  • Have more worries about how you come across than delivering your transforming message?
  • Fear that if you were truly yourself in public that no one would like you and that your business won't thrive?
  • Wish, hope and prey that your clients will find you by some miracle instead of being visible?

Waiting for miracles is not a reliable business strategy. You’re hiding behind these feelings of 'not ready' and 'not good enough' secretly hoping that some magical force is going to save you.

Well you’re right about that. And that magical force is you!

All of my life I have been called to go deep within myself and get past huge resistance and fears. I survived a 3-year against the odds battle with cancer, and came out of it with a new goal and commitment to achieve freedom (another one of my top core values) through my life’s work. I took what started out feeling like a life and a work separate from each other, and created a life. One seamless life where I get to be the whole me, not just some fractured part of me that I think (or have been told) is marketable. 

Now are you ready to... 

  • Get out front and centre with confidence and infinitely greater ease?
  • Feel the joy of having shown up as the expert you are?
  • Experience the satisfaction of helping your people more to your capacity?
  • Enjoy the income that follows when your business can be seen for the transformation it creates?

 This is where I can help.

I’m inspired to be a resource to women who have become the mavens they are, and who already know what they need to do in terms of business strategy, but are stuck with fear and not taking the action they need to.

A proven approach for getting past your fears 

Getting out there can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be – at all!

In this free online class you will learn these 3 simple steps:   

1. Accountability

When you know exactly where you're getting stuck it changes everything, because a 'wall of fear' won't point you in a love-driven, actionable direction, but precise self-knowledge will.

2. The Hidden Reasons

Why Women Are Hiding

There's a big picture reason why. If we learn to recognize it for what it is, we no longer have to feel out of control of our own lives and can create with freedom rather than be a consumer of fear.

3. A Simple Solution for a

Complex Problem

While the problem may be multi-faceted, the solution is beautifully simple.

Who this is for?

This is for women entrepreneurs with a vision for change who serve (or want to serve) with their life's work. You've put the time in and trained yourself to offer your magic gifts. You likely know what to do to be visible, but you're not doing it.

  • Beth Martens - House of Free Will

    “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start getting excited about what could go right.”

    Acclaimed Author and Speaker

  • Beth Martens - House of Free Will

    “Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that's the one that is going to help you grow the most.”

    Author of 'Sacred Contracts'

  • Beth Martens - House of Free Will

    “Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.”

    International Author

  • Beth Martens - House of Free Will

    “If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.”

    Author, Poetess and Activist