
For MerPreneurs

3 Ways to Move Forward After You've Revealed All



Moving forward in your life, once the cat is out of the bag, you have spilled your beans, spoken your truth and everything looks different.

  1. Make no apologies, but do own your stuff. If you see you were projecting on someone your own vision of lack, say so. Give them the gift of learning that they were not the cause of something you were going through, so they can learn to trust and honour their own perception and be directed by your example to their own inward journey.
  2. Ask yourself, giv…

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Full Moon Full Sun


Enjoy the video, and please comment below with your intentions for the year to come!  

Share with me what might stand in your way of meeting your intentions by commenting below or sending me a private message and I'll offer you some feedback.


To Learn more: 

Pre-Order Beth's Book "Journey"

and Join the Archetype Study Group as a Bonus:

Journey + Freedom

Take the quiz to discover where you are on the path of purpose:

King Hero Archetype Quiz


MerPreneur Archetype Quiz


Take an O…

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Showing Up


Hey Lovey!!

Thanks for showing up here with me, it means the WORLD to me. Check out my latest video, live streamed from Facebook today, about showing up. See where you're at...

Showing Up is Not Always What it Appears

lilac joyAre you having a hard time showing up for others in your life? Are you having a hard time being present when you show up for them? Are you having a hard time showing up for yourself? Or maybe you're showing up in body only and the spirit isn't there. Are you showing up and hopin…

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5 Ways to Tell the Difference Between Your Instincts and Your Fears


So You Can Follow Your Instincts, Not Your Fears (they are not the same thing!)

Check out the video below first...

Making Decisions with Your Instincts

Women have been turning to their instincts to make their major and day-to-day decisions since before we can even remember. Of course not only women have instincts, they are universal to all living beings.

Here's where the problem lies. In my circles I am often hearing women refer to their fears as instincts. They are listening to their fea…

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End the Tension Between Doing and Being


So You Can Follow Your Instincts and Give to Your Heart's Desire

First a video I live-streamed today!

What's the Problem Women are Facing?

Women are confused about being and doing, thinking you have to choose one over the other, as if they are opposite to each other.

How to Begin Getting Past it?

Tune in for a moment about what you should be doing and any tension around it. Feel the tension between what you think you should do. Do you want to go on like that, or would you rather have a di…

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7 Ways to Use Full Moon Energy to Create Abundance in Your Life's Work (and Your Life!)


1. Receive.

The moon represents our receptive energy. When the moon is full, your receptivity is at it’s highest. To best cooperate with and use this energy, see what if anything stands in your way of fully receiving. Are you blocking it unconsciously? Are you confused between the receptive and the active roles and not being clear in either one of them? You could let all of that go.

2. Commune.

Gathering with two or more will amplify the receiving energy of the moon by creating shared inten…

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On a Love Note...


To Learn more: 

Pre-Order Beth's Book "Journey"

and Join the Archetype Study Group as a Bonus:

Journey + Freedom

Take the quiz to discover where you are on the path of purpose:

King Hero Archetype Quiz


MerPreneur Archetype Quiz


Take an Online Course or Get Archetype Coaching   

Take the King Hero's Journey - Online Course

Take the MerPreneur's Journey - Online Course

Contact me


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How to Serve in Your Life's Work Without Losing Energy


Check out this new video where I talk about bringing the feminine and masculine energies into a complete circle and how you can stop losing energy to your desire to serve in the world.

Don't stay stuck with your nurturing nature a minute longer. Take a moment to answer these questions (in confidence) and I promise to share some feedback about it.  

Click here to learn more about the work I do


To Learn more: 

Pre-Order Beth's Book "Journey"

and Join the Archetype Study Group as a Bonus:…

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Why Relationship Trouble is Hard on Your Business


3 Big Changes You Can Make to Have a Positive Effect on Your Business and Your Relationship at the Same Time


A woman entrepreneur has a lot on her hands, more than her male counterpart. But whose counting?

My mom and dad were both entrepreneurs, and they had VERY different lives.

They owned sister-brother businesses, so they went off to the same place every day, worked about the same amount of hours, had similar responsibilities and stresses. But my mom was by far more taxed by the situatio…

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How to Grow Together Instead of Apart?

Look Your Ego Square in the Face

It's a lot easier (in general) for women to get into their emotional side and get down to the work of personal and spiritual development. But going to work on your own, on behalf of a partnership can mean you grow in a different direction from your partner. But if you're really doing "The Work" of becoming intimate with your own ego, it will only bring you closer together with a current, or even future partner.  

Here is a relationship path of radical responsib…

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